2011-08-03 - RCT to and from Ken-Gar


~10 miles @ ~11 min/mi

Yesterday is my last day as a civil servant; today I join the ranks of the unemployed! (No worries, I have hopes of getting another job soon, and I've got a genenous Federal pension.) At 7am I arrive at Ken-Gar Park and practice napping on the park bench, shirtless in the light rain. The 4+ miles from home go faster than expected (see GPS trackfile) so I have half an hour to spare until Ken Swab arrives, then Rebecca Rosenberg. We set off southward on Rock Creek Trail. Ken chases a pair of little rabbits. We're moving briskly, with a couple of miles at sub-10 min/mi pace. As soon as K&R turn back I commence taking walk breaks again as I proceed back to my starting point (see GPS trackfile). In the afternoon Ken kindly takes me to a Washington Nationals baseball game to celebrate Day One of retirement. After a rain delay the Nats lose 4-6 to Atlanta.

^z - 2011-08-15